"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Arthur O'Shaughnessy (and of course, Willy Wonka)


Welcome to me. 


Hi! I'm Ashleigh.

And I've always been a writer. Ever since I confiscated my parents' word processor at the age of 8, my fate was sealed. I filled floppy discs with wild stories of talking pancakes and cigarette-smoking unicorns (I was an odd child). I begged my mom to take me to bookstores, not only so I could lay around and read books, but also so I could re-alphabetize anything that may have fallen out of place in hopes that someone would notice and offer me, an 8-year-old, a job (again, odd child). 

As the years progressed, I found my way into advertising - what I saw as the perfect mix of an outlet for my wild and wooly ideas, penchant for problem solving, and general aversion to wearing panty hose five days a week.

Despite spending more than a decade in the industry,  I don't consider myself an "ad" person. I like to think that somewhere along the line, my love of words matured into a love and respect for ideas. Those ideas are unique to the problems they are solving, and no two are the same - nor should they be. The industry is constantly changing. The definition of a "good idea" is changing. And changing with it is the only way to survive.

I've had the pleasure of working with some insanely talented humans. And I've learned from them all. Photographers, artists, directors, illustrators, entrepreneurs, non-profit CEOs, multi-billion dollar CMOs, and even one extremely wise fish tank cleaner - everyone has a story to tell, and a lesson to learn if you're willing to listen. I hope to never stop listening, never stop learning, and never stop coming up with ideas. Who's with me?







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